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Dream Chaser. OLG and the NBA features Emily Mandamin, female Canadian & Iskatewizaagegan Basketball Star

The Emily Mandamin Story




OLG is committed to advancing Truth and Reconciliation and empowering Indigenous people to share their stories. Thank you to Emily and the community of Iskatewizaagegan #39 for helping us to give back to First Nations in Ontario.









Emily Mandamin

With very strong determination and passion, 20-year-old Emily Mandamin has become a trailblazer for the Iskatewizaagegan #39 First Nation, becoming the first person to secure a full basketball scholarship for college. Emily aspires to play basketball professionally in the future but her goals go beyond just herself. She is committed to paving the way for others in her close-knit First Nations community, ensuring that there is opportunity for everyone to reach their full potential and to chase their own dreams.

Photo of Emily Mandamin
The Community of Iskatewizaagegan #39
Landscape photos of the Iskatewizaagegan community

Iskatewizaagegan #39 Independent First Nation, is a vibrant and proud Anishinaabe community located 16 kilometers south of Ontario Highway 673, accessible from TransCanada Highway 17. The registered population of this community consists of 585 band members, with approximately 297 residing on the reserve.




A Court for the Next Generation

Together with Emily, we are working towards creating more opportunities and providing resources for future basketball stars from Iskatewizaagegan #39 by refurbishing their community court. This transformation is not only about improving the physical infrastructure, but also about igniting a spark of inspiration and empowerment in the hearts of the community.

The court will be decorated with a mural by artist and community member, Alicia Kejick. The mural is based on "Ziigwan (zee-gwan) which represents the season of spring. It is the beginning of a new year in Anishinaabe culture. A time for new beginnings, energy, lessons, and possibilities. We begin to see many subtle calls of Spring. The binesiwag (birds) out and waabigwaniin (flowers) bloom to let us know we are in a powerful transition. A transition from being in a time of rest and braving the lessons of winter to the awakening of Spring. We are to create space in our life for new beginnings."












We believe that by providing a safe space for play and recreation, we are investing in the social and emotional well-being of everyone. Just as it was for Emily, the community court will be a beacon of inspiration, fostering a spirit of hope, resilience and determination.



United on the Court with the NBA and WNBA

OLG in partnership with the NBA and WNBA, want to recognize Emily's unwavering dedication as a true changemaker for all generations of female athletes, on and off the basketball court, as well as a strong commitment to Indigenous communities in Ontario.

OLG is a proud sponsor of the first WNBA Game played in Canada in May 2023.

Photo of heritage artwork on basketball
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